Speech, Language Therapy, Social Thinking, and Reading Programs for Children
During the elementary school years ages 5 to 12, the signs of academic struggles can be obvious, especially if a student is having difficulty learning how to read, write, communicate clearly, listen, and answer questions in class. While these learning skills are critical, it is equally important that students develop the social thinking and related social skills necessary to maintain friendships and work in a group.

PSLLC offers comprehensive speech and language services, addressing both common and complex issues among school-aged children, including articulation disorders, tongue thrust, expressive and receptive language, auditory processing, and written expression. Parents often supplement school-based therapy or choose to take advantage of our effective programs that are not offered in school.
Social Thinking Groups for School-Aged Children
Based on the works of Michelle Garcia-Winner and other experts in the field of social cognition, our cutting-edge Social Thinking groups bring together students of similar ages and abilities for weekly therapy sessions aimed at helping them learn how to interact more effectively with other people, “fit in,” and establish and maintain friendships. Our program targets skills related to “thinking about others” and “perspective-taking,” the idea that others have unique thoughts and feelings.
If you have concerns about your child’s communication, academic, or social skills, please call us at 609-924-7080 or email to set up a consultation. When indicated, we will complete a thorough, customized evaluation of your child to determine the most appropriate therapy and recommendations.