Speech Production: Find out if your child’s articulation skills are appropriate for his or her age. This assessment will include standardized testing as well as informal analysis of your child’s speech production skills during play and conversational interactions. Fluency may also be assessed. Recommendations are made regarding the need for intervention.
Toddler Speech and Language: Find out if your child’s receptive, expressive, speech production, and play skills are developing appropriately. Standardized assessments and play-based evaluation measures are used to determine the need for intervention.
Preschool Speech and Language: Find out if your child’s receptive and expressive language skills are appropriate for his or her age. Articulation and play skills will also be assessed. Standardized assessments and play-based evaluation measures are used to determine the need for intervention.
Basic Speech and Language (School Age): Find out your child’s skills in the areas of receptive and expressive language and higher-level language. Reading comprehension, written expression, and social communication skills may also be explored. Learning challenges are identified based on the overall language and communication profile. Specialized interventions and school programming recommendations are provided.
Comprehensive Speech and Language (School Age): Find out if your child’s current therapeutic services and school program are meeting his or her language-based learning needs. An extensive speech language evaluation is completed in addition to a thorough review of all previous school and professional documentation. Often times a school observation is performed in addition to the evaluation sessions to evaluate your child’s school program. Based on the complete record review, evaluation performance, and the school observation, specific and thorough recommendations are made regarding therapeutic interventions and classroom requirements for successful learning.
Psychoeducational Evaluation: Find out your child’s intellectual ability, academic achievement across areas (reading, writing, math, oral language), and visual-motor integration abilities. A thorough record review includes any previous evaluations, school report cards, work samples, and IEPs or 504 plans. This information is utilized to identify any interfering conditions, such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, or mood disorders. Included in the thorough report will be a summary section to encapsulate the strengths and needs of the student along with many practical recommendations for how to intervene across settings. An additional 45-minute sharing session will be provided to the parents to discuss the findings included in the report.
Social Communication: Find out your child’s knowledge and use of critical social competencies, including perspective-taking, conversational abilities, problem-solving, nonverbal communication, and understanding of figurative language, humor, and sarcasm. Standardized testing and informal measures will be used, including those specific to the Social Thinking® program. Information will be provided to indicate how social challenges impact your child’s ability to make and maintain lasting relationships with peers in addition to the educational impact of such challenges. Specific recommendations will be made regarding intervention strategies.
Selective Mutism: Find out if your child’s hesitancy to verbally participate at school or in settings outside the home is related to a reserved disposition or indicative of an anxiety-based disorder called selective mutism. The clinician will spend time with parents and/or caregivers before the evaluation to obtain a detailed history of the presenting issue. In a separate session, the clinician will evaluate the child’s ability to communicate with the clinician at the office and determine whether or not the child meets the criteria for a diagnosis of selective mutism and subsequent interventions.
Executive Function: Find out if your child’s difficulties with getting started on school assignments, planning ahead, completing tasks, and overall organization is related to deficits in his or her executive skills. Our specialist will spend time with parents to obtain detailed history of the presenting issues as well as record review of previous school and professional documents. Both standardized and informal assessment tools will be used during the evaluation to identify lagging skills in specific areas of executive functioning. Recommendations for the classroom as well as support services will be made to facilitate improved academic performance.
* PSLLC requires a nonrefundable deposit to reserve the time scheduled for an evaluation and/or first appointment at the center. This fee is applied to the cost of the evaluation or therapy session. If the appointment is cancelled for any reason, the deposit is nonrefundable. If you make an appointment that needs to be rescheduled, we require 48 hours’ notice in order to avoid forfeiting the cost of the deposit.